OAI-PMH Interface of eLABa Open Access Institutional Repositories

Institutional Repository of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Institutional Repository of Vilnius University (VU)
Institutional Repository of Lithuanian Sports University (LSU)
Institutional Repository of Vilnius Academy of Arts (VDA)
Institutional Repository of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)
Institutional Repository of Klaipeda State College (KVK)
Institutional Repository of Utena College (UK)
Institutional Repository of Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK)
Institutional Repository of Institute of the Lithuanian Language (LKI)
Institutional Repository of Physical Science and Technology Center (FTMC)
Institutional Repository of Siauliai State College (SVK)
Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU)
Institutional Repository of Vilnius Business College (VVK)
Institutional Repository of Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Science (LMAVB)
Institutional Repository of General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (LKA)
Institutional Repository of St. Ignatius Loyola College (ILK)
Institutional Repository of ISM University of Management and Economics (ISM)
Institutional Repository of Kaunas College of Forestry and Environmental Engineering (KMAIK)
Institutional Repository of Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KOK)
Institutional Repository of Kaunas Technical College (KTK)
Institutional Repository of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC)
Institutional Repository of Institute of the Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (LLTI)
Institutional Repository of Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences (LVK)
Institutional Repository of Panevezys University of Applied Sciences (PK)
Institutional Repository of SMK University of Applied Social Sciences (SMK)
Institutional Repository of Nature Research Centre (GTC)
Institutional Repository of LCC International University (LCC)
Institutional Repository of Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LSMC)